Technological Change

As technology advanced rapidly the ferocious destruction of World War I came as a shock to all participants. Both sides used weapons of terror; high explosives, machine guns, poison gas and flame-throwers. 

Tanks first appeared at the Battle of the Somme in 1916. Though initially unreliable, tanks played an important role in major offensives. Motor transport became routine and petrol supplies became vital. 

Communication was difficult. Telephone lines ran back to divisional headquarters behind the Front and wires were easily cut by shellfire. Flares, flags, runners, homing pigeons and bugles were common means of sending and receiving orders.

Photograph shows the British Mark IV Tank "Britannia" which was brought to New York City where it was renamed the Liberty and put on exhibit to help sell war bonds. It is depicted taking part in the Liberty Loan Parade in New York City on October 25, 1917 during World War I. The Liberty is currently is located at the U.S. Army Ordnance Museum at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.