
Sun 4 Nov 2012
02:00 - 05:00pm

Come to Newcastle Museum, dress up as a Zombie and tuck into some braaiiinnss..

The Newcastle Undead Society is hosting another fantastic undead event in Newcastle, with a Zombie activities at the Museum, a Zombie March and the Zombie Themed Short Film Competition, Scream Screen.

Newcastle Museum is a major supporter of the festival and will host free activities from 2pm on Sunday 4 November.

Get your face painted, touch brains and eyeballs in the gore boxes and eat Zombie food!

The enormous staggering crowd of Zombies will slump their way from the Museum through the streets of the Newcastle CBD at 5pm to the Greater Union cinemas on King St where Zombies and fans can see the finalist for Scream Screen.

Whether you are a horror buff or not this event is very much a must see for everyone. Free entry to the Museum Zombie workshops and free to march. Scream Screen is $5 entry (suitable for 15+)

For more information on the event go to:



 Brraaaiiinnnnsss ...


Newcastle Museum
6 Workshop Way