Reduce Your Emissions at Home

Tuesday 15 August 2023
6 - 7pm
1 hour

Did you know that around 40% of Newcastle’s carbon emissions come from Newcastle households.

Hear what you can do at home to reduce your emissions and make a difference. We will also show you what is out there that can help you get there.

Be warned - You may even save some money in the process.

By reducing your emissions around home you will help with our ambitious plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Newcastle. This will help limit warming to 1.5°C and avoid heat fueled disasters of a warming earth such as floods and catastrophic bushfires.

As a National Science Week activity in Newcastle, this presentation forms part of the Newcastle Emission Reduction Plan initiative. The Newcastle Emission Reduction Plan (NERP) involves the development of an aspiring and comprehensive emission reduction plan for the Newcastle Local Government Area through a participatory process that engages the community, industry and government.

NERP is looking to reduce emissions across five sectors in Newcastle - Transport, Waste, Households, Businesses and Industry. Perhaps you have an idea on how to reduce emissions? We would love to hear it.

The NERP project will create a detailed plan and city-wide commitment to rapidly reduce carbon emissions and is a joint initiative of Newcastle Climate Change Response and Climate Action Newcastle. Newcastle Climate Change Response is a member of the Hunter Innovation and Science Hub.

Bookings essential.


  • Tuesday 15 August 2023 6:00 pm
<p>No additional fees apply to this event.</p>


Newcastle Museum
6 Workshop Way