Oral History Workshop

Sat 07 Jun 2014
10:00am - 04.00pm

A workshop to equip you to undertake interviews for an oral history project

Janis Wilton will lead this very practical workshop.  She is an award winning public and oral historian based at the University of New England.  Janis shares her passion for oral history through active involvement in oral history organisations, community based projects, university teaching, community workshops and her own research and writing.  Dianne Taylor and Sandra Blamey, also members of Oral History NSW will be part of the workshop team.
Topics covered:

  • Introduction to oral history, the nature of memory
    and the process of remembering
  • Preparing and structuring an oral history interview
  • Documentation: ethical issues, ownership and copyright
  • Choosing and using a digital recorder
  • Downloading recordings to a computer
  • Processing the interview – preparing a summary log
    and transcription of the interview aided by free downloadable software                                 
  • Saving sound files, storage and preservation

Whether you are already involved with oral history as part of your job in a museum or library, membership of an local history association, or just starting out, this workshop will offer you new insights and opportunities to network with others.

Booking details

Saturday 7 June, 2014, 10am - 4.00pm
Venue: Newcastle Museum, Honeysuckle in the heart of Newcastle
Bookings essential on 4974 1401
Limited to 15 participants
Fee includes morning, afternoon tea, lunch and Oral History Handbook


Newcastle Museum
6 Workshop Way