NM:PM Future Street Party

Newcastle Museum is set to party for Youth Week 2025 with a stellar line up of bands including Butterknife, Trophy Wyfe, The Sobars and soloist Evan Worgan.
Event highlights include:
- Free tote bag printing for the first 100 attendees
- Retro sideshow booths
- Music industry panel hosted by MusicNSW – an opportunity for young people to connect with industry leaders and learn how to develop their careers in music
- Music NSW Social – informal networking
- YA book swap - bring your old books!
- Free art activities
The event is an all ages, drug and alcohol free event, where young people can come together and develop a sense of belonging and ownership in a fun and relaxed environment.
This event is delivered in partnership with young people as performers, producers and creatives, with support from Headspace Newcastle, MusicNSW, Wesley Mission and Verto.
Food trucks will also be available with food for purchase.
Ages: All ages
Cost: Free
Just drop-in, no bookings required!
If you have any access or inclusion needs, please email us at enquiries@newcastlemuseum.com.au
Supported by Create NSW