Angler Fish

Fri 28 Sep - Sat 13 Oct 2012

What do you get when you combine a bike festival, an alternative art festival and a Harbour City?

‘Follow the Current…’ is a roving light installation which was first created by Newcastle artists for VIVID Light 2012 which will be featuring in Newcastle over a three week period.

The program will feature a school of moving light sculptures, transforming Peda Pod transport vehicles into giant glowing Anglerfish; a deep sea creature that generates its own luminescence, prowling the depths of the ocean in search of food, guided by the same mysterious light that entices its prey.

These luminescent fish beacons will weave amongst the crowds and historic streets of Newcastle, conjuring a fantastical vision of the harbour foreshore’s ragged history, inviting public curiosity and casting a line between other festival installations and events and luring onlookers as they ‘swim’ by.

Newcastle Museum will be host to these Angler Fish while they rest from their night-time rovings. They will be on display from 28 September - 13 October.

Peda Pods are lightweight, Australian built transport vehicles that employ a patented hybrid braking system to generate their own electricity for onboard lights and stereo system. They are classified as bicycles and produce no emissions. By wrapping these Peda Pods in glowing costumes constructed using recycled materials and energy efficient LED lights, this proposal will combine interactive and engaging art with an evironmental conscience.

The Anglerfish Artists
Cassandra Stronach, Alex Dircks and Haidee Ireland came together as Group D Creative Collective and created the light sculptures, ‘Follow the Current...’ originally for VIVID Light 2012.

This initiative is part of a new Public Art and Placemaking Program by Hunter Development Corporation with the aim of enlivening the public spaces of Honeysuckle. The aim of creating a Public Art and Placemaking Program is to enhance the public spaces within Honeysuckle by adding elements of fun and play, for all ages.


Newcastle Museum
6 Workshop Way