Oh yeah, I forgot about that: A decade of change seen through the eyes of Mr Trevor Dickinson, Arti

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Oh yeah, I forgot about that:
A decade of change seen through the eyes of Mr Trevor Dickinson, Artist
In the grand scheme of this country’s ancient history, 10 years is a millisecond, a blink, a moment. To Newcastle Museum, it is our entire history at Honeysuckle and for Newcastle, it has been a period of rapid transformation.
We quickly forget what has changed in our city as new landscapes become normal. For our 10th anniversary, Newcastle Museum wanted to remind our city of the alterations to our normal and often unnoticed cityscape.
How better to look at the lost, changed and new than through the eyes of local artist and gold star noticer, Mr Trevor Dickinson? Trevor has been involved with Newcastle Museum for exactly 10 years as well when we commissioned him to create the Museum Photowalls in 2011.
To celebrate Newcastle Museum's own changes, we have commissioned 2 new artworks of something constant, the big red hooks and something that had changed, The OAK Milk display in A Newcastle Story Work gallery, that is debuting in this exhibition.
All the works in this exhibition are of things that have changed since 11 August 2011 when Newcastle Museum threw open our doors to welcome millions of visitors to explore our history, science and our city’s identity.
OAK Story
A famous Prime Minister once declared that Oak milkshakes were the best milkshakes in Australia but who now holds the lost recipes?
Did your Mum and Dad meet working at the Oak factory or at the iconic milk bar, a must-stop on every Pacific Highway road trip.
Here’s a little taste of what you might discover at the Newcastle Museum.
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